Channel Partner Programs for Rapid Business Growth

Most of the successful B2B companies are investing more time, money, and effort in running and leveraging channel partner incentive programs. Some top companies even run multiple-layer channel partner programs to encourage different channel partners. As per a study, more than two-thirds of channel partners have reported that they have more choices in rewards and incentives than ever before. By running the right channel partner program for your partners, you can take your B2B business to the next level.

Apart from boosting sales, effective channel incentive programs also focus on improving partner satisfaction, boosting brand awareness, and achieving other business goals. If you are planning to start some effective channel partner programs for the growth of your company, you can consider the following programs:

1. Sales Performance Incentive Funds

SPIFs (Sales Performance Incentive Funds) are the funds that you offer your channel partners to encourage their sales teams. Your channel partner can use these funds to offer performance-based incentives to their sales team members when they achieve a specific target or perform extraordinarily. Offering SPIFs under your channel partner program can be extremely effective in boosting sales, achieving short-term goals, and driving sales during the off-season.

Some key benefits of offering performance incentives include staying ahead of the competitors, increasing sales momentum, and boosting sales for particular products/services. To make a SPIFs-based channel incentive program successful, you need to ensure that your channel partner’s sales team understands the incentives and the incentives are valuable for them.

2. Value-Added Incentives for Resellers

Value-added Reseller Incentives are the rewards or benefits that you offer your channel partners when they add some value to your existing product. The value addition can be done by the channel partner in any form. Anything that they do to enhance your existing product, such as adding an extra feature, integration, or offering additional warranty, etc, comes under value-addition.

As per a study, value-added channel incentive programs can help you increase the overall sales of your business by 6% to 9%. Running channel partner programs based on value-added incentives can have dual advantages for your business. Along with improving the value of your existing products or services, these programs help you boost your brand’s market penetration

3. Market Development Funds

Companies or manufacturers provide their channel partners with MDFs (Market Development Funds) to help them improve their marketing efforts. By offering MDFs, you can encourage your channel partners to run better marketing campaigns for your brand. This also allows them to put more effort into boosting your brand awareness. You can offer MDFs to increase the overall sales or to boost the sales for a particular range of products.

Marketing development funds, if used wisely, can be very effective in improving your brand reputation and staying ahead of your competition. For example, channel partners can use this fund to purchase radio advertisements, run offline/online marketing campaigns, organize webinars, and participate in trade shows.

4. Channel rebates

Rebates are a type of refund or cashback that the channel partners receive after achieving specific sales targets. Offering rebates under your channel partner program is one of the most effective ways to encourage your partners. When you offer some refund or cashback on achieving certain targets, they will definitely try to achieve the target by influencing their buyers and putting more effort into boosting your sales. The rebates percentage is not the same for every channel partner but it is decided on the basis of order frequency and other factors. They can earn the benefits and even transfer the same to their customers.

5. Deal Registration Incentives

Deal registration incentives are the rewards and benefits offered by vendors to their channel partners for bringing new leads. The channel partners need to close the deal before a pre-specified time period in order to receive the incentives. The more registrations they bring in, the more rewards and incentives they earn. Through a deal registration-based channel incentive program, you can reward your channel partners who play an important role in the success of your business and increase partner satisfaction.

6. Cooperative Incentives

Cooperative Incentives or Co-Op funding is another effective strategy used by businesses to motivate their channel partners. With these incentives, companies aim to encourage their channel partners to achieve their own objectives. You can offer cooperative incentives to your channel partners for their loyalty and regular purchases. All the actions performed by the channel partners that help you achieve your business objectives should be incentivized under a cooperative incentives-based channel partner program.

7. Loyalty Rewards for Partner Retention

Loyalty rewards, as the term suggests, are offered to loyal channel partners and are aimed at boosting channel partner loyalty. The aim of channel partner loyalty programs is to build and sustain long-term relationships with channel partners and encourage them to stay loyal. Under such programs, you can offer continuous rewards and incentives that are valuable enough to make your channel partners feel encouraged.

8. Training Incentives

You can offer training incentives to your channel partners in the form of subscriptions to learning programs, access to the tools they need for sales, etc. Everyone wants to grow their personal skills while doing a job. If you provide your partners’ sales team with an opportunity to learn more and more about their field, you can make them feel valued while encouraging them to increase sales. Provide them access to learning and certification programs, tools, etc, and reward them on completion of the training.

9. Referral Incentives

Referral incentives are also one of the most widely used strategies under channel partner programs. Under these programs, you incentivize your channel partners to bring more potential channel partners on board. B2B referral programs for channel partners work similarly to the programs that B2C brands run to attract more customers through referral contests.

Why Choose RewardPort as Your Channel Partner Program Manager?

RewardPort is one of India’s top reward and loyalty solutions companies. With low-cost rewards starting at as low as Rs. 10 and a team of experienced marketing professionals, RewardPort becomes the first choice for many businesses when it comes to choosing the right channel incentive management company. They have a wide range of reward options suitable for every business type. After understanding your business objectives and channel partners’ requirements, RewardPort can help you run the most effective channel partner program.

Frequently Asked Questions: –

What does a channel partner do?

Channel partners are the resellers, agents, vendors, retailers, or service providers that tie up with a company to sell their products and services. They help businesses in increasing their market reach and boost the overall sales.

How do channel partners get paid?

Channel partners are paid on a commission basis. The more revenue they generate for a company, the higher commissions they receive.

What is the benefit of a channel partner?

Having potential channel partners can benefit your business in many ways. They can help you expand your customer base, boost sales, promote your products, and make your marketing campaigns more successful.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a channel partner do?

Channel partners are the resellers, agents, vendors, retailers, or service providers that tie up with a company to sell their products and services. They help businesses in increasing their market reach and boost the overall sales.

How do channel partners get paid?

Channel partners are paid on a commission basis. The more revenue they generate for a company, the higher commissions they receive.

What is the benefit of a channel partner?

Having potential channel partners can benefit your business in many ways. They can help you expand your customer base, boost sales, promote your products, and make your marketing campaigns more successful.

Abbott India Ltd

Challenge: Managing end-to-end incentive program for distributors efficiently.


  1. RewardPort registered addresses and email ids of all distributors by getting a form filled with their company seal & signature and digitizing it
  2. Created reward catalogue for 5 slabs with 4 gift options in each slab category
  3. Deployed an account manager and operations resource for timely MIS & escalation management
  4. Created a full-proof reward delivery system eliminating pilferage of gifts and theft/misuse by parties
  5. Created periodic schemes for retailers- free recharge on billing of Digene products

Program mechanics: We receive a data file from Abbott team with address and gift option details of the qualified distributors every month. Tangible gifts are dispatched directly on the addresses and e-vouchers are emailed on their registered email id.