Clear Glass and Float Glass
Campaign Period: 2015- 2016
Challenge faced:
HNG Float and HNG clear glass wanted to push their newly launched glass variants in market and along with it they also wanted to incentivize the key stake holders so that the stock moves out at a faster speed.
We helped HNG execute a program, where every retailer visiting a dealer will receive a voucher on purchasing the HNG float glass and HNG clear glass product. Points were allotted to each voucher and were added in the retailers account. Later at the end of the year, the accumulated points can be redeem against gifts of retailers choice available on the redemption catalogue.
Program Mechanics:
The retailers will receive a voucher from the dealer every time they purchase the HNG float and clear glass product, when the retailer send the first message, he is enrolled in the campaign. Later to claim the points, the retailer sms’s the code received on every purchase.
At the end of the program, Rewardport team shared the total points accumulated by the retailer through sms along with the redemption link and the retailer can visit the website to claim his reward.